Examples for "in camera"
Examples for "in camera"
1Petitioners, office inquiries, the office itself, preliminary hearings in camera, public sessions.
2It was held in camera and he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
3He will be so pissed that I'm talking to you in camera.
4Many cases are heard in camera, so no reporting of proceedings is possible.
5Nothing is held in camera and media are welcome to attend.
1She asked that Hummels' family be given time to grieve in private.
2This is important in private industry, but vital in delivering public services.
3Abortion is extremely restricted in Northern Ireland, available only in private clinics.
4But social housing offers community and stability: rare features in private renting.
5But is the government right to get so involved in private deals?
1However he said he preferred to discuss the issue behind closed doors.
2However, the reasons behind the crash have been kept behind closed doors.
3Previous high court care cases have been heard anonymously behind closed doors.
4It certainly caused quite the discussion, behind closed doors, here at GeekMom.
5Many of the Democratic negotiating sessions have taken place behind closed doors.
6Domestic abuse is a largely invisible crime, occurring mainly behind closed doors.
7Previous meetings have been held behind closed doors in public excluded sessions.
8It is not done behind closed doors at Luthuli House, Maimane said.
9So far, much of the jousting is taking place behind closed doors.
10Is he working hard behind closed doors on a new economic narrative?
11The trial has been held behind closed doors to protect his identity.
12The new Premier League season starts behind closed doors on 12 September.
13Now we've been given an insight into what happened behind closed doors.
14Each week, callers tell Leah Green what's going on behind closed doors.
15The hearing could happen behind closed doors, and Rato may not appear.
16Its first meeting was held on December 4th, also behind closed doors.